Here we are four months later, and we do not have any farm produced eggs. Jim and I were in for a disappointment when we discovered that three of our four surviving Rhode Island Red chickens were roosters. We have done such a good job taking care of them; they have grown into beautiful chickens, three of which have very large, bright red combs and big, floppy waddles. If only we had them to look at, everything would be wonderful; but we wanted them to lay eggs.
So what did we decide to do? Our choices were to give up on the whole idea of raising chickens for eggs or to buy more chickens making sure this time that they are hens.and not roosters!! We made the decision to dress and eat the roosters, and later buy two more hens. I really don't like the idea of eating any of our "peepers;" but after sinking money into feed and dedicating much time into feeding them, cleaning their pen, and moving it around every day or two, we decided this was the logical way to proceed.