Today I have been checking the fit of the Elsa dress bodice and skirt to the train, and also getting a visual of the color matches of the dress to the train. The fabric that I chose for the train is a beautiful chiffon-type fabric embellished with scrolly sparkles, but unfortunately the color of the fabric was too intense for the soft "snowy" look that the train is supposed to have. So what did I do? I used the beautiful ornate fabric as the lining of the train, and turned the side with the sparkles to the top so that the sparkles would shine through the white chiffon. My intention was for the intense color and sparkles underneath the white sheer chiffon to show through just enough to create a "snowy" illusion. I am adding Swarovski crystals and rhinestones on top of the chiffon to mimic snowflakes. Here are pictures of my sewing progress, and I am adding a picture of the beautiful train fabric that will not be seen in all its "glory." The second and third pieces of fabric are some that I purchased but decided did not work with this dress.
Is this the one that went to the beach with us?